Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Wave Motion

  1. Wave motion (Travelling Wave)
What  happened  if you throw a stone into a pool of water ? circular waves form and move out word.
Water waves and waves on a cord / rope are examples of waves motion. It’s are  The mechanical waves. The mechanical wave need medium to move.
A wave is not matter. Although it may move in matter.
§  A wave consist of oscillations that move without carrying matter with them
§  Wave carry energy from one place to another. All form of wave motion transport energy.

A.    Kind of wave motion : (Types of waves) be based on a medium :
1.      a mechanical wave à with medium
2.      a electromagnetic wave à without medium
B.     Vibration direction :
1.      a transverse wave à vibration and motion direction are perpendicular
2.      a longitudinal  wave à vibration and motion are the  same direction.
Frequency : is the number of wave per unit time
Period : is the time needed for travelling one wave length
Wave velocity : is the velocity at which wave crests appear to move (Wave crest travels a distance of one wave length in one period)

A.    Amplitude
a.       Stationer wave (Standing wave) à amplitude change
b.      Travelling wave à a is constant
c.       Wave walks / spread from O to P (by velocity u )if the point O has vibrated t second, so if the point P, wave has vibrated  because wave need time for move from O to P , so the equation of deviation of wave motion is :
yp = A Sin wtp
     = A Sin w (t - )
     = A Sin (wt -  )
= A Sin
Just the opposite :
Wave spread from P to O :
If the point O has vibrated t s, so in the point P, wave has vibrated tp =
yp = A Sin tp = A sin w
     = A Sin (wt + kx)
n  General Equation of Wave Motion :
       Y = A sin (wt ± kx)                

§  Vibration direction and spread direction of wave :
-          If vibration direction upward so A is +
-          If vibration direction up down so A is –
-          Spread direction from x – axis to x+ axis the equation use –
-          Spread direction from x+ axis to x – axis the equation use +
            = A Sin    à vibration from x axis hey to pos

n  Velocity of particle vibration at P point :
Vibration velocity and wave motion velocity vibration of the particle can be gotten from first differential of displacement bto time :
y   = A Sin (wt – kx)
v   =
v   = A w cos (wt – kx)

motion velocity of wave can be gotten from relation v and k
n  Vibration acceleration / Acceleration of particle vibration at P point
Vibration acceleration is first differential of vibration velocity to time

n  Phase angle, Phase and Phase difference :

Example1 :
Wave motion move to direction positive X axis with velocity v = 5 m/s, frequency 10 Hz, and amplitude 2 cm. If vibration source  has vibrated during 2/3 second with first vibration direction to ward, determine:
  1. General equation of wave motion
  2. Velocity and accelerationof particle at point x = 0.5 m
  3. Phase and phase angle of wave at point x = 0.5 m
  4. D
    1. Stationer Wave
    Stationer/standing wave is a wave that formed from the result of interference two wave that A and f the same.
    A in stationer wave is not constant but change. There are A  max (Anti node) and A Min (Node)
    Stationer wave on free end of a fine wire string the free end of string is a  string by string the reflection end that can move free up/down which motion follow direction of wave vibration that come.
    On a spring by the end free, phase of come wave is the same by phase of reflection wave.
    a.      Fixed End
    In the point P :
    The equation of come wave is :
    Xp = (е – x )          y1= A sin (wt – kxp)
                                      = A sin {wt – k(e – x)}
    ifference phase between point x = 0.25 m with x = 0.75 m

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